Facts about Kidney Disease:
  • 26 million American adults have chronic kidney disease (that's 1 in 9 U.S. adults!)
  • Simple blood and urine tests can detect early kidney disease (blood creatinine, estimate of glomerular filtration rate [GFR], blood pressure and tests for protein and blood in the urine
  • People with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and family history of kidney disease are at highest risk
  • We can help prevent the progression to kidney failure

What is a Nephrologist?

An expert in the field of:
  • kidney disorders including chronic kidney disease, kidney failure needing dialysis and transplant therapy
  • problems with swelling and fluid accumulation
  • electrolyte imbalances such as sodium, potassium, and calcium disturbances
  • hypertension

Go to the National Kidney Foundation Website for more patient information

Ron O. Chay, M.D.Staten Island Board Certified Nephrologist